Could OntDocumentManager.ReadHook be used for this?

On Sat, Mar 26, 2022 at 4:46 PM Martynas Jusevičius
<> wrote:
> Hi,
> Using the ontology API, if one owl:imports an ontology URI such as
> <> into ontology model, the imported model
> gets cached under the ""; key.
> However, given
>     <> a owl:Ontology
> one can argue that this URI is of the ontology resource, but what gets
> loaded and cached is more than that -- it is the ontology *document*.
> This relates to the old debate whether ontology instances should
> contain the trailing # in their URIs, i.e. whether ontology and its
> document is the same resource or distinct resources.
> The problem is that despite the ontology being cached, code that
> attempts to dereference its document URI will not be able to make use
> of it as ""; will not match the
> ""; cache key.
> My questions are:
> 1. How can I work around this? Using some kind of post-loadImports()
> hook to make cache entries for both URIs?
> 2. Shouldn't the OWL import code be aware of this and cache the
> document URI while using it as a base for all relative URIs (of
> ontology terms)?
> Martynas

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