
Summary : it didn't consume the whole input, only up to the end of the legal part.

On 05/04/2022 12:43, Lorenz Buehmann wrote:
Hi Barry,

Did you try SPARQL1.1 parser instead? Afaik, ARQ was always beyond SPARQL 1.1 or better said, already before SPARQL 1.1 with some extensions.

Indeed, Andy will correct me soon :D

The grammar files for JavaCC are here:

You can check arq.jj and sparql_11.jj

Or just wait for Andy's response ...



On 05.04.22 13:21, Nouwt, B. (Barry) wrote:
Hi everyone,

We are using ARQ's SPARQL parser to parse graph patterns and noticed that it allows dashes in variable names if these variables occur as the *object* location of a triple pattern. If the variable names at the *subject* location of a triple pattern contains dashes, it fails with a ParseException. As far as we could tell the SPARQL specification does not allow dashes in variable names at all ( The pattern1 and pattern2 below should both fail, but the first one does not fail and the second does fail.

String pattern1 = "<test> ?community-ID .";
ARQParser parser1 = new ARQParser(new StringReader(pattern1));

Calling into the middle of the parse doesn't work so easily.

It has parsed up to the end of legal triple pattern.

"<test> ?community"

when it sees the "-" the variable name has ended and (because the "." is not required) it is a legal GroupGraphPatternSub

The "-ID ." is left in the token input stream.

You have to test whether end-of-input has been reached.


qparse 'SELECT * { <test> <p> ?o-1 }'

Parse error because "-1", the next token (tokenizing is done ahead of where the parser grammar is the 1 in LL(1)) is not legal.

This is illegal because there is check for end of input:

qparse 'SELECT * { <test> <p> ?o } XXX'

The top level entry point is

void QueryUnit(): { }

so the parser must see <EOF> to be valid and exit without error.


String pattern2 = "?community-ID <test> .";
ARQParser parser2 = new ARQParser(new StringReader(pattern2));

Is this a bug?

Best regards,

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