Hi Lorenz,

No - there isn't an option.

The way to do it is to prepare the load as quads by, for example, wrapping in TriG syntax around the files or adding the G to N-triples.

This can be done streaming and piped into the loader (with --syntax= if not N-quads).

> By the way, the tdb2.xloader has no option for named graphs at all?

The input needs to be prepared as quads.


On 26/08/2022 15:03, Lorenz Buehmann wrote:
Hi all,

is there any option to use TDB2 bulk loader (tdb2.xloader or just tdb2.loader) to load multiple files into multiple different named graphs? Like

tdb2.loader --loc ./tdb2/dataset --graph <g1> file1 --graph <g2> file2 ...

I'm asking because I thought the initial loading is way faster then iterating over multiple (graph, file) pairs and running the TDB2 loader for each pair?

By the way, the tdb2.xloader has no option for named graphs at all?



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