On 27/10/2023 17:58, Justin wrote:

Is it possible to allow qparse to preserve comments?

No - the parser skips them.

e.g. it currently does not:
justin@parens:/tmp$ cat a.rq
select * where {
?s ?p ?o
# comment here
justin@parens:/tmp$ ~/Downloads/apache-jena-4.7.0/bin/qparse --query a.rq
   { ?s  ?p  ?o }

If comment lines (starting with #) are too tricky to work with what about
something like Clojure's `comment`

(comment (range 5))
That way the "comment" is still part of the AST tree.
Maybe there could be a magic predicate that gets ignored?
[] ex:comment "comment here" .

If the comment is between syntax elements, then, yes, an "ElementComment" could be added.

Some positions are within syntax elements:

 { ?s
   # Some comment
   ?p  ?o }

and don't have a natural place to go in the AST.


c.f. Pragmas.

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