
I have 2 pretty unbalanced brokers running and I'm trying to
balance them (read: free disk space on the overloaded broker).

Is there a tool that will just rebalance everything?  I couldn't find one,
so I ran this:

$ sh kafka-reassign-partitions.sh --broker-list 1 --zookeeper
zk1.prod.sematext:3131 --reassignment-json-file /tmp/partition.json

This seems to have *copied* about half of the partitions of the topic
specified in the given JSON file from broker 2 (source) to broker 1
(target). Good.

I see this in broker 2 (source broker):

[2014-05-31 19:24:59,994] INFO [ReplicaFetcherManager on broker 2] Removed
fetcher for partitions [spm_new_cluster_free_system_topic,1]

... which looks promising.... but:

My broker 2 (source) *still* has all partitions of the problematic topic.
I thought it would remove the moved partitions from the source broker....

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