Hi all,

I am using a kafka spout for reading data from a producer into my storm
topology. On the kafkaconfig :
1. When i set Kafka.forcefromstart = true .. it read from the beginning ,
however if i close my topology midway and run the topology again by setting
Kafka.forcefromstart = false , it does not read from the last read position
of the partition i.e the place from where i stopped the topology.
2. I also tried using the newly provided values like

 kafkaConfig1.startOffsetTime = kafka.api.OffsetRequest.EarliestTime()
(-1,-2,-3 also)

kafkaConfig1.maxOffsetBehind =100;

but i could not get the kafka spout to read as mentioned.

Can someone please explain how i could use the above features as the storm
github page says the above setting are self explanatory and no explanation
is provided. Can someone pls share their idea of reading from offsets?


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