Hi Sa

While it's possible to run multiple brokers on a single machine, I would be 
interested to hear why you would want to. Kafka is very efficient and can use 
all of the system resources under load. Running multiple brokers would increase 
zookeeper load, force resource sharing between the Kafka processes, and require 
more admin overhead. 

Additionally, you almost certainly want to run three Zookeepers. Two Zookeepers 
gives you no more reliability than one because ZK voting is based on a majority 
vote. If neither ZK can reach a majority on its own then it will fail. More 
info at http://wiki.apache.org/hadoop/ZooKeeper/FAQ#A7


> On 1/10/2014, at 4:35 am, Guozhang Wang <wangg...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> In general it is not required to have the kafka brokers installed on the
> same nodes of the zk servers, and each node can host multiple kafka
> brokers: you just need to make sure they do not share the same port and the
> same data dir.
> Guozhang
>> On Mon, Sep 29, 2014 at 8:31 PM, Sa Li <sal...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am kinda newbie to kafka, I plan to build a cluster with multiple nodes,
>> and multiple brokers on each node, I can find tutorials for set multiple
>> brokers cluster in single node, say
>> http://www.michael-noll.com/blog/2013/03/13/running-a-multi-broker-apache-kafka-cluster-on-a-single-node/
>> Also I can find some instructions for multiple node setup, but with single
>> broker on each node. I have not seen any documents to teach me how to setup
>> multiple nodes cluster and multiple brokers in each node. I notice some
>> documents points out: we should install kafka on each node which makes
>> sense, and all the brokers in each node should connect to same zookeeper. I
>> am confused since I thought I could setup a zookeeper ensemble cluster
>> separately, and all the brokers connecting to this zookeeper cluster and
>> this zk cluster doesn’t have to be the server hosting the kafka, but some
>> tutorial says I should install zookeeper on each kafka node.
>> Here is my plan:
>> - I have three nodes: kfServer1, kfserver2, kfserver3,
>> - kfserver1 and kfserver2 are configured as the zookeeper ensemble, which
>> i have done.
>>  zk.connect=kfserver1:2181,kfserver2:2181
>> - broker1, broker2, broker3 are in kfserver1,
>>  broker4, broker5, broker6 are on kfserver2,
>>  broker7, broker8, broker9 are on kfserver3.
>> When I am configuring, the zk DataDir is in local directory of each node,
>> instead located at the zk ensemble directory, is that correct? So far, I
>> couldnot make above scheme working, anyone have ever made multi-node and
>> multi-broker kafka cluster setup?
>> thanks
>> Alec
> -- 
> -- Guozhang

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