If you use the high level consumer implementation, and register all
consumers as part of the same group - they will load-balance

When you add a consumer to the group, if there are enough partitions
in the topic, some of the partitions will be assigned to the new
When a consumer crashes, once its node in ZK times out, other
consumers will get its partitions.


On Wed, Oct 8, 2014 at 10:39 AM, Sharninder <sharnin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm not even sure if this is a valid use-case, but I really wanted to run
> it by you guys. How do I load balance my consumers? For example, if my
> consumer machine is under load, I'd like to spin up another VM with another
> consumer process to keep reading messages off any topic. On similar lines,
> how do you guys handle consumer failures? Suppose one consumer process gets
> an exception and crashes, is it possible for me to somehow make sure that
> there is another process that is still reading the queue for me?
> --
> Sharninder

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