Yes, your understanding is correct. For a long time, the implementation is
buggy though. We fixed it (KAFKA-1430) in trunk a few months ago and the
fix will be included in the 0.8.2 release.



On Fri, Oct 17, 2014 at 5:44 AM, Magnus Vojbacke <> wrote:

> Hi,
> The method kafka.api.FetchRequestBuilder.maxWait(maxwait: Int) does not
> give the result I would have expected. I have not been able to find any
> documentation or clarification on the method’s meaning.
> My assumption is: If I send a fetch request for messages after offset X
> for a partition where there are currently no messages with offsets after X,
> I would expect that a Fetch request built with the maxwait option should
> block on the broker side for $maxwait milliseconds for a new message to
> arrive. Is this a correct assumption?
> Currently, the request appears to return immediately, which is not what I
> expected.
> Regards
> /Magnus

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