Hi Francois,
           Looks like this belong storm mailing lists. Can you please send this 
question on storm mailing lists.


On March 23, 2015 at 11:17:47 AM, François Méthot (fmetho...@gmail.com) wrote:


We have a storm topology that uses Kafka to read a topic with 6  
partitions. ( Kafka 0.8.2, Storm 0.9.3 )  

Recently, we had to set the KafkaSpout to read from the beginning, so we  
temporary configured our KafkaConfig this way:  

kafkaConfig.startOffsetTime = OffsetRequest.EarliestTime()  

It worked well, but afterward, setting those parameters back to false and  
to LatestTime respectively had no effect. In fact the topology won't read  
from our topic anymore.  

When the topology starts, The spout successully logs the offset and  
consumer group's cursor position for each partition in the worker log. But  
nothing is read.  

The only way we can read back from our Topic is to give our SpoutConfig a  
new Kafka ConsumerGroup Id.  

So it looks like, if we don't want to modify any KafkaSpout/Kafka code, the  
only way to read from the beginning would be to write the position we want  
to read from in Zookeeper for our Consumer Group where offset are stored  
and to restart our topology.  
Would anyone know if this is a bug in the KafkaSpout or an issue inherited  
from bug in Kafka?  

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