Hey Harsha,

A few comments:

Can you finish up the KIP there are some unfinished sentences and odd
whitespace things going on.

Here are the questions I think we should consider:
1. Do we need this at all given that we have the partition argument in
ProducerRecord which gives full control? I think we do need it because this
is a way to plug in a different partitioning strategy at run time and do it
in a fairly transparent way.
2. We certainly need to add both the serialized and unserialized form for
the key as both are useful.
3. Do we need to add the value? I suspect people will have uses for
computing something off a few fields in the value to choose the partition.
This would be useful in cases where the key was being used for log
compaction purposes and did not contain the full information for computing
the partition.
4. This interface doesn't include either an init() or close() method. It
should implement Closable and Configurable, right?
5. What happens if the user both sets the partition id in the
ProducerRecord and sets a partitioner? Does the partition id just get
passed in to the partitioner (as sort of implied in this interface?). This
is a bit weird since if you pass in the partition id you kind of expect it
to get used, right? Or is it the case that if you specify a partition the
partitioner isn't used at all (in which case no point in including
partition in the Partitioner api).



On Thu, Apr 23, 2015 at 6:55 AM, Sriharsha Chintalapani <ka...@harsha.io>

> Hi,
>         Here is the KIP for adding a partitioner interface for producer.
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/KAFKA/KIP-+22+-+Expose+a+Partitioner+interface+in+the+new+producer
> There is one open question about how interface should look like. Please
> take a look and let me know if you prefer one way or the other.
> Thanks,
> Harsha

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