The broker will actually unregister itself from zookeeper. The brokers id
path uses ephemeral nodes so they are automatically destroyed on shutdown.
In fact if you use a "Controlled Shutdown" migrating the replicas and
leaders should happen for you as well. Though, manual reassignment may be
preferred in your case.

Here is some extra information on controlled shutdowns:


On Thu, Jul 30, 2015 at 4:37 PM, Andrew Otto <> wrote:

> I’m sure this has been asked before, but I can’t seem to find the answer.
> I’m planning a Kafka cluster expansion and upgrade to  In doing
> so, I will be decommissioning a broker.  I plan to remove this broker fully
> from the cluster, and then reinstall it and use it for a different purpose.
> I understand how to use the reassign-partitions tool to generate new
> partition assignments and to move partitions around so that the target
> broker no longer has any active replicas.  Once that is done, is there
> anything special that needs to happen?  I can shutdown the broker, but as
> far as I know that broker will still be registered in Zookeeper.  Should I
> just delete the znode for that broker once it has been shut down?
> Thanks!
> -Andrew Otto

Grant Henke
Software Engineer | Cloudera | |

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