Hey Tom,

Yes, it is possible that the poll() will rebalance and resume fetching for
a previously paused partition. First thought is to use a
ConsumerRebalanceListener to re-pause the partitions after the rebalance
completes.The rebalance listener offers two hooks: onPartitionsRevoked() is
called before the rebalance starts, and onPartitionsAssigned() after it
finishes. If you you use onPartitionsAssigned(), you can re-pause before
the consumer begins fetching again. Note that you'll have to handle the
case that the partition assignment has changed.

Not sure I understand the third question, but seeks should be to the next
offset you want to read.


On Thu, Jan 28, 2016 at 8:53 AM, Tom Dearman <tom.dear...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I am trying to enable throttling on a consumer poller.  My understanding
> of the consumer is that it has a single threaded design so that all comms
> affecting the consumer are sent during a client threads call to poll and
> commitSynch.  We have therefor designed our throttling by using the
> consumer pause, then continuing to poll for some duration, and then calling
> resume.
> 1. Is it the case that during that poll, a rebalance could occur and that
> since subscription state is not maintained across consumer balances, when
> the rest of the poll(s) code runs (as the assignment check is done first)
> this call could result in records being returned from the poll?
> 2. If so how can I get around this, is there a better way to implement a
> throttle?
> 3. If I implement throttling in the way I am doing can I reset the offset
> using the smallest offset returned for each TopicPartition and seek?  If I
> do use seek, do I pass in the smallest value per TopicPartition or is it
> that value minus 1?
> Thanks,
> Tom

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