On Thu, Feb 18, 2016 at 4:26 PM, Jay Kreps <j...@confluent.io> wrote:
> The default semantics of the new consumer with auto commit are
> at-least-once-delivery. Basically during the poll() call the commit will be
> triggered and will commit the offset for the messages consumed during the
> previous poll call. This is an advantage over the older scala consumer
> where the consumer did not have this guarantee because the commit happened
> asynchronously in a separate thread and hence could end up preceeding or
> succeeding the actual processing of data.

Sorry, I just realized I have one follow-up question on this… if this
is the case, then why does the new consumer have the config property
`auto.commit.interval.ms`? The approach of committing automatically
after an interval seems to me to be at odds with the approach of
committing after each call to poll(). What am I missing here?


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