Hi everyone,

I was trying out kerberos on Kafka by creating a single node
cluster. I managed to get everything setup and past all the authentication
errors but whenever I try to use the console producer I get 'Error while
fetching metadata ... LEADER_NOT_AVAILABLE'. In this case I've created the
topic ahead of time (1 replica, 1 partition) and I can see that broker 0 is
in the ISR and is the leader. I have also opened an ACL to the topic for my
user to produce and was previously seeing authentication errors prior. I
don't see any errors or helpful logs on the broker side even after turning
on debug logging. Turning on debug logging on the client the only thing
that stands out is that it lists the broker as 'node -1' instead of 0. It
does mention the correct hostname/port and that it was able to successfully
connect. Any ideas?


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