Let’s say I have this:

KStream<String, CallRecord>[] branches = allRecords
            (imsi, callRecord) -> 
            (imsi, callRecord) -> 
            (imsi, callRecord) -> true
KStream<String, CallRecord> callRecords = branches[0];
KStream<String, CallRecord> dataRecords = branches[1];
KStream<String, CallRecord> callRecordCounter = branches[2];

        .map((imsi, callRecord) -> new KeyValue<>("", ""))

Here I has 3 branches. Branch 0 is triggered if data is VOICE, branch 1 if data 
is DATA. Branch 2 is supposed to get triggered regardless of type all the type 
so that then I can count stuff for a time window. BUT the problem is branch is 
implemented like this:

private class KStreamBranchProcessor extends AbstractProcessor<K, V> {
    public void process(K key, V value) {
        for (int i = 0; i < predicates.length; i++) {
            if (predicates[i].test(key, value)) {
                // use forward with childIndex here and then break the loop
                // so that no record is going to be piped to multiple streams
                context().forward(key, value, i);

Note the break. So the counter branch is never reached. I’d like to change the 
behavior of branch so that all predicates are checked and no break happens, in 
say a branchAll() method. What’s the easiest way to this functionality to the 
DSL? I tried process() but it doesn’t return KStream.



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