
I believe the answer is in the code. This is where the --compression-codec
is processed:
and this is —producer-property:

The usage is here:

The answer is: The console producer allows for compression codec only with
—compression-codec argument.

Best regards,
Radek Gruchalski

On October 17, 2016 at 7:46:41 AM, ZHU Hua B (hua.b....@alcatel-lucent.com)


Anybody could help to answer this question? Thanks!

Best Regards


-----Original Message-----
From: ZHU Hua B
Sent: 2016年10月14日 16:41
To: users@kafka.apache.org
Subject: [COMMERCIAL] A question about kafka


I have a question about kafka, could you please help to have a look?

I want to send a message from producer with snappy compression codec. So I
run the command "bin/kafka-console-producer.sh --compression-codec snappy
--broker-list localhost:9092 --topic test", after that I checked the data
log, compresscodec is SnappyCompressionCodec as expectation.

Then I tried another command "bin/kafka-console-producer.sh
--producer-property compression.type=snappy --broker-list localhost:9092
--topic test" to send a message from producer with snappy also, but this
time I found compresscodec is NoCompressionCodec in data log.
I double checked the option of "kafka-console-producer.sh" as below, seems
both "--compression-codec" and "--producer-property" could be used to set
up compression codec, why the second way failed? The "key=value" I found in
config/producer.properties, so I think it is regular. Thanks!

# bin/kafka-console-producer.sh --help

--compression-codec [compression-codec] The compression codec: either
'none','gzip', 'snappy', or 'lz4'.If specified without value, then it
defaults to 'gzip'.

--producer-property <producer_prop> A mechanism to pass user-defined
properties in the form key=value to the producer.

--producer.config <config file> Producer config properties file. Note that
[producer-property] takes precedence over this config.

Best Regards


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