Hello !

I have a three brokers (K1, K2, K3) cluster using Kafka 0.8.2 and a
zookeeper cluster (colocalized with kafka brokers).
I have a topic with one partition and a replication factor of 3.
I have a producer publishing messages in the topic every minuts (1+ message)
I have a consumergroup consuming messages every hour.
The offset of this consumergroup for this topic is stored in zookeeper.
The leader for this partition for this topic is K1.
The replicas are K2 and K3.

Sometimes, the consumergroup does not find any new messages.

In order to investigate and to test, I was wondering if I could just stop
K1 ? Will K2 or K2 become the leader ? What will happen if two hours later
I start again K1 ?

Best regards.


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