(caveat - was having this issue with 0.10.0 but thought an update might

App has a simple layout: consume -> aggregate -> output to 2nd topic

Starting the app I see pages of this sort of message:

DEBUG  org.apache.zookeeper.ClientCnxn - Got ping response for sessionid:
0xb58abf2daaf0002 after 0ms

These repeat every 10 seconds until the app runs out of memory and gets
killed by the OS.

Watching the system from another window I can see the
`/tmp/kafka-streams/<app>` space slowly consume many 10s of Gb. (> 60Gb
when it finally crashed).  IO wait jumps around quite a bit but often
exceed 20%.

Any thoughts on what I might have misconfigured in my cluster or my app? I
have some other (standard) producers and consumers but this one
KStream-based app is really struggling.

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