If you are asking if technically does Kafka Connect need the entire Apache 
Kafka distribution to run then, then the answer is no, it does not because 
Connectors just remotely connect to Kafka Brokers on separate machines.

If you are asking if there is a separate distribution for a “connect node” that 
pre-packages only the jars and scripts needed to run Kafka Connect and not any 
of the other Kafka components then the answer is unfortunately no at this time, 
you need to download and install the entire Kafka distribution in order to get 
the bits needed to run Kafka Connect. 


> On Feb 1, 2017, at 11:08 AM, Guillermo Ortiz <konstt2...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Is it possible to use Kafka Connect in nodes where isn't Kafka installed? I
> can't see on the documentation anything about installed in others nodes.

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