I have a 3 node kafka cluster which is being managed via kubernetes, in
docker containers.

Recently, one of the 3 nodes went down, and was automatically re-created by

However, now whenever I try to consume from one of my Kafka topics, thru
Kafka Streaming, i get the error:

>6687 [StreamThread-1] WARN  org.apache.kafka.clients.NetworkClient  -
Error while fetching metadata with correlation id 1 :

> org.apache.kafka.streams.errors.StreamsException: Topic not found during
partition assignment: my_topic

When I tried to re-create the topic via 'kafka-topics.sh --create', I

> Error while executing topic command : Topic "my_topic" already exists.

Any ideas what's going on here, and how to have Kafka recover from a node
going down and automatically elect a new leader?

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