I have a tricky use case where a user initiates an event (by clicking a
button) and then stops it (by clicking it again, losing connection, closing
the browser, etc).

Each time the event starts or stops, a notification is sent to a kafka
topic, with the user's id as the message key and the current timestamp, and
the state of the event (started, or stopped).

I'm using Kafka streaming to process these events.

Based on the notifications, I need to determine the total time spent
'working', i.e the time between user clicked start, and they stopped. Per
hour, per day, etc.

E.g total time spent 'working' per hour, per day.

Any ideas how this could be achieved, while accounting for messages
arriving out of order due to latency, etc (e.g the stop notification may
arrive before start)?

Would the kafka streams local store be of any use here (all events by the
same user will have the same message key), or should i use Redis? Or do I
need an hourly job which runs and processes last hour's events?

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