MirrorMaker acts as a consumer+producer. So it will consume from the source 
topic and produce to the destination topic. That means that the destination 
partition is chosen using the same technique as the normal producer:

* if the source record has a key, the key will be hashed and the hash will be 
used to choose a partition. If the source partition was chosen using some 
different hashing algorithm or a custom partitioner, then you may end up 
writing to a different destination.
* if the source record does NOT have a key, then the destination partition will 
be randomly chosen.

MirrorMaker supports custom message handlers. You can use those to map the 
source partition to the destination partition, which will allow you to avoid 
the above two problems.  Here's an example of how to do it. 


Sent from my iPhone

> On Jun 29, 2017, at 9:57 AM, Tom Bentley <t.j.bent...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I believe so. You need to be careful that the mirror maker producer doesn't
> reorder messages; in particular if retries > 0 then
> max.in.flight.requests.per.connection must be 1. If
> retries=0 then it doesn't matter what max.in.flight.requests.per.connection
> is.
>> On 29 June 2017 at 05:52, Sunil Parmar <sunilosu...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Is it possible to configure mirror maker using message handler to preserve
>> the order of messages in each topic partition. In the particular use case
>> we're looking at both source and destination topics have same number of
>> partitions.
>> Sunil

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