Hi Wladislaw,

Would splitting the one topic into multiple topics be acceptable at all? E.g., 
you could use the "branch" function in the DSL to split the messages and send 
to different topics. Then, once you have multiple topics you can do the joins 



> On 11 Jul 2017, at 05:02, Wladislaw Mitzel <mit...@tawadi.de> wrote:
> Hi all. How would one approach the following scenario with Kafka streams?
> There is one input topic. It has data from different sources in a normalized 
> format. There is a need to join records that come from different sources but 
> are linked to the same entity (record linkage). There is a deterministic 
> rule-set to calculate (composed) "match-keys" for every incoming record that 
> allow the correlation of records that are linked to the same entity.
> Example: There are events A (userid,first name,last name,....), B(username, 
> location,.....) and C(location, weatcher-data,....). There is a set of rules 
> in order to correlate A with B (A.firstName+A.lastName = B.username) and B 
> with C (B.location = C.location). At the end, we want to get the whole graph 
> of correlated records.
> Constraints: The latency of the records linkage should be as low as possible. 
> The state stores should contain the messages of the last 180 days for 
> linkage. (We are talking about tens to hundreds of GB of data)
> I already implemented a solution with spark + an external database. I 
> calculate the match-keys and then store mappings for event-id => 
> list-of-match-keys, match-key => list-of-event-ids and event-id => 
> event-payload in the database. By querying the database one can get a graph 
> of "event -> match-keys -> more events" and so on. I do the querying in a 
> loop until there are no new events added. As a last step, I read the payloads 
> using the accumulated event-ids. However, this solution has a high latency 
> because of the external database calls. That’s why the idea of having KTables 
> as local state stores sounds so interesting to me.
> Now with Kafka streams I would like to use the embedded state with KTables 
> but I find it quite hard to come up with a solution. I think what I want to 
> do is a self-join on the incoming topic which is not yet supported by the 
> DSL. I thought of using the Processor API implementing a very similar 
> solution to the one I described with spark: using several state stores for 
> the mapping of event => match-keys, match-key => events. Beside the fact that 
> I don't know how to address the partitioning (or whether I need a global 
> store) I am not sure whether this is the way one would go with Kafka streams.
> Another solution I could think of is a loop in the topology so that an event 
> would flow several times through the loop (which again has KTables for the 
> mapping of event-id and match-key) until there are no new matches. Are loops 
> possible at all and if so, is it a good approach or should one avoid loops? 
> At the end of the record linkage process I’d like to have *one* message that 
> contains the payloads of all correlated events and is then processed by the 
> downstream processors. However I can only think of solutions where I need to 
> do a flatMap() (do a join for every match-key) so that there is more than one 
> message.
> Do you have any feedback or suggestions? Any examples that could help?
> Kind regards,
> Wladislaw

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