You'll need a ZK quorum established before brokers boot, for sure.

On Thu, Jul 20, 2017 at 12:53 PM, M. Manna <> wrote:

> Hello,
> This might be too obvious for some people, but just thinking out loud here.
> So we need a recommended 3 node cluster to achieve the 1 point failure
> model. I am trying to deploy a 3 node cluster (3 zks and 3 brokers) in
> Linux (or Even Windows, doesn't matter here).
> Under the circumstance (or any such multiple node cluster setup) - should I
> always bring up the #Quorum ZKs before starting any broker? Or is there a
> recommended startup order ?
> My thinking behind this (right or wrong) is that since the Quorum
> availability is important, without the ZK quorum, any broker startup will
> struggle and give up after respective retries and backoff timeouts are
> overrun. But if my understanding is incorrect, could someone please explain
> their analysis?
> Regards,

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