I am writing an exactly-once Kafka sink for Apache Beam.
In order to avoid duplicates due to retries, it stores a sequential id and
producer signature in consumer group metadata, and commits it atomically
with messages (using sendOffsetsToTransaction()).

I have a couple of clarification questions on partition metadata associated
with a consumer group.

   - Looks like a partition number could be larger than number of
   partitions for a topic. Is this formally supported (which is great!)?
      - E.g. I was able to set and read partition metadata for partition
      #20 for a topic with 4 partitions (though `console-consumer-group` didn't
      quite work.).
   - This is critical information for a sink. But looks like the metadata
   gets purged in 24 hours (server config) if it is inactive. Is there a way
   to set a longer TTL programatically?


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