Hi Guozhang,

For the use-cases I have in mind, the offset of the source topics is
irrelevant to the state stored by the streams application.
So, when topic 'A' gets dropped and topic 'B' is added,  I would prefer the
application to start reading from 'latest' but that is actually not *that*
important to me.
The main thing is that I'm able somehow to add a new kafka topic to the
source of the streams application at runtime, triggered by messages flowing
on another "metadata" kafka topic.

So considering your example:
When 'B' is added, I would expect the streams application to start reading
from 'latest' (but not that important)
When 'A' is removed, the state from 'A' is still valid in the state stores,
but 'A' should not be tracked anymore.
When 'A' is added again, I would expect the streams application to start
reading from 'latest' (not the committed offset, but again not that
important for my use-case)

But this being said, my main focus is on the ability to 'add' new kafka
topics to the application rather than removing them.
What I could do is define a wildcard subscription on all topics.  This
would update dynamically then, but the problem here is that I will run
*all* topics through the application which is major overkill and would make
it unperformant (especially as there are topics in there that produce a lot
of data that should not be tracked, but will pass through the streams
application then).  Let's say from the 300 kafka topics on the system,
about 50 of them need to be tracked by the application.
We have the ability to mark these topics through the "metadata" topic, so
it would be nice that this could also trigger updating the source-pattern
for the subscriptions in the kafka streams application.

The problem with multiple applications is the following:
- the "state" should be centralized, as it can be queried (having multiple
applications would make it more difficult to achieve this)
- multiple applications will required more resources to be reserved on the
- We need an external tool to start/stop the streams applications,
depending on the info on the metadata topic.


On Mon, Aug 14, 2017 at 3:03 AM, Guozhang Wang <wangg...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello Bart,
> Before we talk about dynamic subscription in Streams I'd like to ask some
> more questions about your usage.
> Let's say the current running application is reading from topic A, and have
> just reached offset 100; now from the global state there is a notification
> saying "stop on topic A, start on topic B". How would you start fetching
> from topic B? Would you start at the earliest offset or latest offset (so
> it is totally irrelevant to the point you stopped at topic A), or would you
> start at offset 100? In addition, if your application maintains some local
> state, how would the state be affected by the switching of the topic, since
> at that point it is actually reflecting "the state of the application up to
> topic A's offset 100", could you still reuse that state with topic B at the
> specified offset?
> To make things a bit more complicated, if later another notification from
> the global state has arrived saying "now switch back to topic A again",
> would you restart at where you stopped, i.e. offset 100, or you'll stop at
> the earliest or latest offset of topic A, are the application states still
> reusable?
> I think if your answer to these questions are "no", then you'd better treat
> them as different applications, i.e. one app reading from A, and one app
> reading from B but with similar topology. It's just that based on the meta
> topic the apps may be stopped / restarted dynamically. Currently Kafka
> Streams do not have support for dynamic support yet, since lots of such
> request scenarios turned out to be not really fit to be collapsed into a
> single applications; if there is indeed a common request, I think one way
> to do that is to make PartitionAssignor customizable by users as you
> suggested, so that only the selected partitions are used to re-form the
> tasks; but one still need some way to trigger a rebalance so that the
> PartitionAssignor can be called.
> Guozhang
> On Fri, Aug 11, 2017 at 1:42 AM, Bart Vercammen <b...@cloutrix.com> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I have a question basically on how it would be the best way to implement
> > something within Kafka Streams.  The thing I would like to do:
> "dynamically
> > update the subscription pattern of the source topics.
> >
> > The reasoning behind this (in my project):
> > meta data about the source topics is evented on an other kafka topic,
> that
> > should be tracked by the kafka streams topology, and depending on that
> meta
> > data specific source topics should be added, or removed from the kafka
> > streams topology.
> >
> > Currently I track the "meta data topic" as "global state", so that every
> > processor can actually access it to fetch the meta data (this meta data
> for
> > instance also describes whether or not a specific topic pattern should be
> > tracked by the stream processor) - so consider this as some kind of
> > "configuration" stream about the source topics.
> >
> > So now it comes,
> > Is there any way I could (from a running topology) update the kafka
> > consumer subscriptions?
> > So that I'm able to replace the source topic pattern while the topology
> is
> > running?
> >
> > I don't think there currently is a way to do this, but as under the hood
> it
> > is just a kafka consumer, my believe is that it should be possible
> somehow
> > ...
> >
> > I was thinking about the PartitionAssigner ... if I could get my hands on
> > that one, maybe I could dynamically configure it to only allow specific
> > topic-patterns?
> > Or directly alter the subscription on the underlying consumer?
> >
> > I don't know all the nifty details about the Kafka Streams internals, so
> it
> > would be nice if someone could direct me in the right direction to
> achieve
> > this ...
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Bart
> >
> --
> -- Guozhang

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