bq.  1 topic with replication factor 1

There is no fault tolerance for the above setup.

Related please read KIP-113 .


On Mon, Sep 25, 2017 at 11:56 AM, Anu P <> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I would like to request inputs - pros and cons of setting up a 2 broker
> Kafka cluster in production.
> Following is the proposed configuration:
> - 3 zookeeper nodes, 2 kafka brokers in AWS.
> - 1 topic with replication factor 1 and 4 partitions.
> - Producer with "acks = all" and min.insync.replicas = 1
> 1) According to Kafka documentation at
> documentation/  <>
>    - For a topic with replication factor N, we will tolerate up to N-1
>    server failures without losing any records committed to the log.
> Question: Based on the above guarantee, Kafka can tolerate 1-1 = 0 server
> failures. Does this mean that even if one of the brokers is lost, data loss
> can happen even though producer acks=all and min.insync.replicas=1.
> 2) What are the error scenarios that can happen if a 2 broker kafka cluster
> is deployed? Any pros or cons of using such a cluster?
> I would appreciate inputs.
> Thank you in advance.

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