I wonder if it is possible to load up 1.0.0 RC3 on test cluster and see
what the new behavior is ?


On Tue, Oct 24, 2017 at 5:41 PM, Eric Lalonde <> wrote:

> >>> Could it be, that the first KafkaStreams instance was still in status
> >>> "rebalancing" when you started the second/third container? If yes, this
> >>> might explain what you observed: if the first instance is in status
> >>> "rebalancing" it would miss that new instanced are joining the group.
> >>> (We fixed this in upcoming 1.0.0 release).
> Hi Matthias,
> I appreciate your time. Your characterization above of the rebalancing is
> exactly the behavior we are seeing. Unfortunately, the issue still occurs
> in, so I suspect the behavior you are describing is not fixed by
> commits expressed in KAFKA-5152, or not completely.
> - Eric

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