Can you pastebin relevant logs from client and broker ?


On Fri, Nov 3, 2017 at 1:37 PM, Manan G <> wrote:

> Hello,
> I am using version of Kakfa broker and Java client library. My
> consumer code tracks offsets for each assigned partition and at some time
> interval manually commits offsets by specifying partition->offset map.
> What I noticed is, after the rebalance, even if consumer loses some
> partitions that were assigned to it previously, offset commit for those
> lost partitions still succeeds by that same consumer! Shouldn't offset
> commit fail in this scenario since consumer is trying to commit offsets for
> partitions that are not assigned to it?
> For clarity below are the logs I see with comments:
> // This is when consumer starts for "test" topic and it picks up 3
> partitions
> log>> onPartitionsAssigned: partitions=[test-1, test-2, test-0]
> // Now consumer processes 3 records from partition 0 and 7 records from
> partition 2 - confirmed with log statements
> log>> ...
> // Rebalance happens - right now, my code does not commit any pending
> offsets here and just prints the log statement
> log>> onPartitionRevoked: partitions=[test-1, test-2, test-0]
> // After re-balance, consumer loses partition 0 and 1. Again, my code does
> not do anything on this callback and just prints the log statement
> onPartitionsAssigned: partitions=[test-2]
> // Since the code did not commit offsets during revoke call, after
> rebalance, poll() returns all records for assigned partitions since last
> offset commit.
> // ... So we re-process 7 records from partition 2. This was confirmed with
> log statements.
> log>> ...
> // Offset commit gets triggered after some time and due to the bug in the
> code, it tries to commit offsets for both partition 0 and 2.
> // There is no failure however! I can see on Kafka broker side that offset
> for partition 0 is updated to 3.
> // I made sure that another consumer that is actually assigned partition 0
> after re-balance has not committed offset yet.
> commitOffsets: {0=3, 2=7}
> Thanks,
> M

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