
you should be able to retrieve your store with


This would give you access to the store from inside your current application. In your Streams application your could then expose this Store with a say REST or any other RPC interface, to let applications from outside your JVM query it.

So i would say the blogpost still applies quite well.

Hope this helps

Best Jan

On 07.12.2017 04:59, Peter Figliozzi wrote:
I've written a Streams application which creates a KTable like this:

val myTable: KTable[String, GenericRecord] = myStream
     .aggregate(myInitializer, myAdder, myStore)

where myStore was configured like this:

val myStore
     : Materialized[String, GenericRecord, KeyValueStore[Bytes,
Array[Byte]]] =

What I'd like to do now is query (read) this store from a separate
application.  How do I query it in 1.0.0?  With a KTable constructor, using
the store string as the topic, i.e.:

public <K,V> KTable<K,V> table(
java.lang.String topic,

Or some other way?

I saw this blog post
but it appears to be only applicable to the older version of Kafka (please
correct me if I'm wrong).



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