Is this tool similar to this: ?

On Mon, Jan 8, 2018 at 7:09 AM Stephen P <> wrote:

> Hello all!
> I've been working on a pet project over the last couple of months building
> out a web based interface for consuming from Kafka called Kafka Web View
> <>.
> I often found myself going to kafka-console-consumer to manually inspect or
> find data in Kafka.  Between wanting to filter for specific records, using
> custom deserializers, and seeking to specific offsets or timestamps, the
> command line tool starts to become a bit unwieldy to use.  On top of that
> in production environments access to consoles or the clusters are typically
> limited.
> This project allows you to define "Views" over Kafka topics which include
> configuring key and value deserializers as well as server side filtering
> logic.  Using a view you can then "page" through records starting from the
> head or tail of the topic, seek to specific offsets or timestamps, and
> enable customizable filters.  The tool also allows you to stream a
> view/records to your browser using web sockets.
> Hoping someone else out there will find it useful as well, and definitely
> open to suggestions or contributions.
> Stephen

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