Hi Kafka people,

I am very new to kafka, so perhaps my question is naive. I spent some time 
searching around at resources of kafka but only became more confused.

What are common ways to pull info from a web site and send to kafka to become a 
log entry?
There is a web site that I want to pull a piece of data from once/month and 
have that data written to Kafka log. Consumers will be listening for that 
message to do processing on it.
I am not sure about common ways to do this.

I am thinking I could have some scheduler (e.g. cron) wake up once per month 
and trigger the pull of the data from the web site and then send it to a kafka 
Does kafka have ability to trigger events once/month or is using cron a better 
What is the scheduler triggering a stand-alone batch job or the running of a 
some service like a kafka producer? Should I worry about a service running all 
the time when it is likely to only do a few seconds of work each month?

Many thanks,


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