We are running burrow version3 for kafka consumer lag monitoring,

Issue is burrow service is getting down frequently which is every 1hr,

Command used to start the burrow service

# nohup $GOPATH/bin/Burrow --config-dir /opt/work/src/github.com/
linkedin/Burrow/config 1>&2 &

We are seeing the below mentioned error in log


panic: interface conversion: interface {} is nil, not *storage.brokerOffset

goroutine 85 [running]:
InMemoryStorage).fetchTopic(0xc4201d65a0, 0xc42100b8f0, 0xc42034d800)
storage/inmemory.go:611 +0x3c8
storage.fetchTopic)-fm(0xc42100b8f0, 0xc42034d800)
storage/inmemory.go:182 +0x3e
requestWorker(0xc4201d65a0, 0x11, 0xc4201d4900)
storage/inmemory.go:190 +0x105b
created by github.com/linkedin/Burrow/core/internal/storage.(*
storage/inmemory.go:144 +0x28b


Kindly let us know your thoughts on this to fix it.

Srinivasa Balaji L
Principal Architect Cloud & DevOPS - TPaaS
10368, Westmoor Drive, Westminster, CO 80021
*M*: +1(303) 324-9822 <+919790804422>
*Email*: lsbal...@trimble.com

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