Hello Guozhang


So after reading much more docs I still do not have the complete picture.

These are our relevant settings from kafka broker configuration:

# set log.retention.bytes to 15 gb
# set log.retention.hours to 30 days

Though one of internal kafka stream topics (with cleanup.policy = compact) grew 
to ~40gb today. 

What am I missing? I thought these settings should take care that a given topic 
is never >15 gb, right?


> On 29. Mar 2018, at 00:05, Guozhang Wang <wangg...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> You can set the topic-level configs via the
> StreamsConfig#topicPrefix(String), please find the following web docs
> (search for KIP-173):
> https://kafka.apache.org/documentation/streams/upgrade-guide#streams_api_changes_100
> Guozhang
> On Wed, Mar 28, 2018 at 3:23 AM, Björn Häuser <bjoernhaeu...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hello Everyone,
>> we are running a Kafka Streams Application with does time window
>> aggregates (using kafka 1.0.0).
>> Unfortunately one of the changelog topics is now growing quite a bit in
>> size maxing out the brokers. I did not find any settings in the kafka
>> stream properties to configure retention and went ahead and set it
>> retention.bytes to 15gb. Unfortunately this does not seem to apply and the
>> topic size is still around 140gb.
>> Is this intended? I could not find any documentation about setting the
>> retention size for the internal topics.
>> Thanks
>> Björn
> -- 
> -- Guozhang

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