bq. load on the node is increasing tremendously

Can you do some profiling to see where the bottleneck was ?
You can pastebin some stack traces.

Which Kafka release do you use ?


On Fri, May 11, 2018 at 6:41 AM, Karthick Kumar <>

> Hi,
> I'm using tomcat nodes for Kafka producer and consumer, Recently I faced
> some issues with it.
> Normally the producer and consumer counts matched in the tomcat nodes.
> After some time the produced data is consumed with delay, I'm not sure
> where to check.
> The data which was delayed is dumped over the consumer when it is started.
> At this time, the load on the node is increasing tremendously.
> So any data that was newly produced at this time is getting lost (it is
> available on the producer but not on the consumer).
> --
> With Regards,
> Karthick.K

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