We have a 3 broker Kafka cluster. There we have 3 topics with 10
partitions each. We have an application which spawns threads as consumers.
We spawn 5 consumers for each topic. I am observing that consider group
randomly keeps rebalancing. Then many times we see logs saying "Revoking
partitions for". This happens almost every 10 minutes. Consumption during
this time completely stops.

I have applied this configuration
max.poll.records 20
heartbeat.interval.ms 10000
Session.timeout.ms 6000

Still this did not help. Strange thing is I observed consumer writing logs
saying "auto commit failed because poll() loop spent too much time
processing records" even when there was no data in partition to process. We
have polling interval of 500 ms, specified as argument in poll(). Initially
I had set same consumer group for all three topics' consumers. Then I
specified different CGs for different topics' consumers. Even this is not

I am trying to search over the web, checked my code, tried many
combinations of configuration but still no luck. Please help me.

Thanks & Regards,

Shantanu Deshmukh

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