Sorry to have misspelled your name Henning.

On Mon, Sep 3, 2018, 1:26 PM Ryanne Dolan <> wrote:

> Hanning,
> In mission-critical (and indeed GDPR-related) applications, I've ETL'd
> Kafka to a secondary store e.g. HDFS, and built tooling around recovering
> state back into Kafka. I've had situations where data is accidentally or
> incorrectly ingested into Kafka, causing downstream systems to process bad
> data. This, in my experience, is astronomically more likely than the other
> DR scenarios you describe. But my approach is the same:
> - don't treat Kafka as a source-of-truth. It is hard to fix data in an
> append-only log, so we can't trust it to always be correct.
> - ETL Kafka topics to a read-only, append-only, indexable log e.g. in
> HDFS, and then build tooling to reingest data from HDFS back into Kafka.
> That way in the event of disaster, data can be recovered from cold storage.
> Don't rely on unlimited retention in Kafka.
> - build everything around log compaction, keys, and idempotency. People
> think compaction is just to save space, but it is also the only way to
> layer new records over existing records in an otherwise append-only
> environment. I've built pipelines that let me surgically remove or fix
> records at rest and then submit them back to Kafka. Since these records
> have the same key, processors will treat them as replacements to earlier
> records. Additionally, processors should honor timestamps and/or sequence
> IDs and not the actual order of records in a partition. That way old data
> can be ingested from HDFS -> Kafka idempotently.
> Imagine that one record out of millions is bad and you don't notice it for
> months. You can grab this record from HDFS, modify it, and then submit it
> back to Kafka. Even tho it is in the stream months later than real-time,
> processors will treat it as a replacement for the old bad record and the
> entire system will end up exactly as if the record was never bad. If you
> can achieve these semantics consistently, DR is straightforward.
> - don't worry too much about offsets wrt consumer progress. Timestamps are
> usually more important. If the above is in place, it doesn't matter if you
> skip some records during failover. Just reprocess a few hours from cold
> storage and it's like the failure never happened.
> Ryanne
> On Mon, Sep 3, 2018, 9:49 AM Henning Røigaard-Petersen <>
> wrote:
>> I am looking for advice on how to handle disasters not covered by the
>> official methods of replication, whether intra-cluster replication (via
>> replication factor and producer acks) or multi-cluster replication (using
>> Confluent Replicator).
>> We are looking into using Kafka not only as a broker for decoupling, but
>> also as event store.
>> For us, data is mission critical and has unlimited retention with the
>> option to compact (required by GDPR).
>> We are especially interested in two types of disasters:
>> 1.       Unintentional or malicious use of the Kafka API to create or
>> compact messages, as well as deletions of topics or logs.
>> 2.       Loss of tail data from partitions if all ISR fail in the
>> primary cluster. A special case of this is the loss of the tail from the
>> commit topic, which results in loss of consumer progress.
>> Ad (1)
>> Replication does not guard against disaster (1), as the resulting
>> messages and deletions spread to the replicas.
>> A naive solution is to simply secure the cluster, and ensure that there
>> are no errors in the code (…), but anyone with an ounce of experience with
>> software knows that stuff goes wrong.
>> Ad (2)
>> The potential of disaster (2) is much worse. In case of total data center
>> loss, the secondary cluster will lose the tail of every partition not fully
>> replicated. Besides the data loss itself, there is now inconsistencies
>> between related topics and partitions, which breaks the state of the system.
>> Granted, the likelihood of total center loss is not great, but there is a
>> reason we have multi-center setups.
>> The special case with loss of consumer offsets results in double
>> processing of events, once we resume processing from an older offset. While
>> idempotency is a solution, it might not always be possible nor desirable.
>> Once any of these types of disaster has occurred, there is no means to
>> restore lost data, and even worse, we cannot restore the cluster to a point
>> in time where it is consistent. We could probably look our customers in the
>> eyes and tell them that they lost a days worth of progress, but we cannot
>> inform them of a state of perpetual inconsistency.
>> The only solution we can think of right now is to shut the primary
>> cluster down (ensuring that no new events are produced), and then copy all
>> files to some secure location, i.e. effectively creating a backup, allowing
>> restoration to a consistency point in time. Though the tail (backup-wise)
>> will be lost in case of disaster, we are ensured a consistent state to
>> restore to.
>> As a useful side effect, such backup-files can also be used to create
>> environments for test or other destructive purposes.
>> Does anyone have a better idea?
>> Venlig hilsen / Best regards
>> *Henning Røigaard-Petersen *
>> Principal Developer
>> MSc in Mathematics
>> Direct phone
>> +45 36150272
>> [image:]
>> <>
>> Edlund A/S
>> La Cours Vej 7
>> <>
>> DK-2000 Frederiksberg
>> Tel +45 36150630

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