On each broker, we have a process (scheduled with cron) that polls the kafka 
jmx api every 60 seconds. It sends the metrics data to graphite 
(https://graphiteapp.org). We have graphite configured as a data source for 
grafana (https://grafana.com) and use it to build various dashboards to present 
the metrics we’re interested in.

There are various jmx-to-graphite tools available. We use one written in house, 
but this one looks like it’ll do the job: https://github.com/logzio/jmx2graphite

> On Jan 16, 2019, at 2:15 PM, Amitav Mohanty <amitavmohant...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Peter,
> Thanks for the inputs. I am interested in aggregate bytes published into a
> topic. The approach of metrics collector along with graphing tool seems
> appealing. I can volume ingested over arbitrary periods of time which is
> exactly what I am looking for. Can you please point to some metrics
> collector that I can use? Is it sort of a cron-job that notes the rate
> every minute or every 15 mins?
> Regards,
> Amitav
> On Thu, Jan 17, 2019 at 3:23 AM Peter Bukowinski <pmb...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Amitav,
>> When you say total volume, do you want a topic’s size on disk, taking into
>> account replication and retention, or do you want the aggregate bytes
>> published into a topic? If you have a metrics collector and a graphing tool
>> such as grafana, you can transform the rate metrics to a byte sum by
>> applying an integral function, but those will always grow and not take into
>> account deletion after the retention period.
>> If you want metrics on how much space a topic occupies on disk, I’d
>> suggest using collectd and this plugin:
>> https://github.com/HubSpot/collectd-kafka-disk
>> —
>> Peter
>>> On Jan 16, 2019, at 1:12 PM, Amitav Mohanty <amitavmohant...@gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi
>>> I am interested in getting total volume of data that a topic ingested in
>> a
>>> period of time. Does Kafka collect any such metrics? I check JMX console
>>> but I only found rate metrics.
>>> Regards,
>>> Amitav

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