```*When I get a request for all of the messages containing a given user
ID, I need to query in to the topic and get the content of those messages.
Does that make sense and is it a think Kafka can do?*``` - If i
understand correctly , your requirement is to Query the Kafka Topics based
on key. Example : Topic `user_data`  [ Key : userid , Value : JSON or Some
other data ] . If you get userid , all you need is to consume the JSON data
from topic user_data for the supplied user_id? Is this correct? If yes ,
Kafka is not recommended to use as a Query Service. If you have very less
number of users data , still you can achieve this by consuming all data and
apply filter based on user_id.


On Mon, Jun 10, 2019 at 9:45 PM Simon Calvin <scal...@hoganassessments.com>

> Martin,
> Thank you very much for your reply. I appreciate the perspective on
> securing communications with Kafka, but before I get to that point I'm
> trying to figure out if/how I can implement this use case specifically in
> Kafka.
> The point that I'm stuck on is needing to query for specific messages
> within a topic when the app receives a request. To simplify the example,
> consider a service that is subscribed to messages that contain a user id.
> When I get a request for all of the messages containing a given user ID, I
> need to query in to the topic and get the content of those messages. Does
> that make sense and is it a think Kafka can do?
> Thanks again for your help and attention!
> Simon
> ________________________________
> From: Martin Gainty <mgai...@hotmail.com>
> Sent: Monday, June 10, 2019 8:20 AM
> To: users@kafka.apache.org
> Subject: Re: First time building a streaming app and I need help
> understanding how to build out my use case
> MG>below
> ________________________________
> From: Simon Calvin <scal...@hoganassessments.com>
> Sent: Friday, June 7, 2019 3:39 PM
> To: users@kafka.apache.org
> Subject: First time building a streaming app and I need help understanding
> how to build out my use case
> Hello, everyone. I feel like I have a use case that it is well suited to
> the Kafka streaming paradigm, but I'm having a difficult time understanding
> how certain aspects will work as I'm prototyping.
> So here's my use case: Service 1 assigns a job to a user which is
> published as an event to Kafka. Service 2 is a domain service that owns the
> definition for all jobs. In this case, the definition boils down to a bunch
> of form fields that need to be filled in. As changes are made to the
> definitions, the updated versions are published by Service 2 to Kafka (I
> think this is a KTable?). The job from Service 1 and the definition from
> Service 2 get joined together to create a "bill of materials" that the user
> needs to fulfill.
>  Service 3, a REST API,
> MG>can you risk implementing a non-secured HTTP connection?... then go
> ahead
> MG>if not you will need to look into some manner of PKI implementation for
> your Kafka Streams (user_login or certs&keys)
> needs to pull any unfulfilled bills for a given user. Ideally we want the
> bill to contain the most current version of the job definition at the point
> it is retrieved (vs the version at the point that the job assignment was
> published). Then, as the user fulfills the items, we update the bill with
> their responses. Once the bill is complete it gets pushed on to the one or
> more additional services (all basic consumers).
> MG>for Ktable stream example please reference
> org.apache.kafka.streams.smoketest.SmokeTestClient createKafkaStreams
> The part I'm having the most trouble with is the retrieval of bills for a
> user in Service 3. I got this idea in my head that because Kafka is
> effectively a storage system there was a(n at least fairly) straightforward
> way of querying out messages that were keyed/tagged a certain way (i.e.,
> with the user ID), but it's not clear to me if and how that works in
> practice. I'm very new to the idea of streaming and so I think a lot of the
> issue is that I'm trying to force foreign concepts (the non-streaming way
> I'm used to doing things) in to the streaming paradigm. Any help is
> appreciated!
> MG>assuming your ID is *NOT* generated for your table
> MG>if implementing HTTPS request/response you might want to consider using
> identifier of unique secured SESSION_ID
> https://security.stackexchange.com/questions/87269/how-is-the-session-id-sent-securely
> [
> https://cdn.sstatic.net/Sites/security/img/apple-touch-i...@2.png?v=497726d850f9
> ]<
> https://security.stackexchange.com/questions/87269/how-is-the-session-id-sent-securely
> >
> How is the session ID sent securely? - Stack Exchange<
> https://security.stackexchange.com/questions/87269/how-is-the-session-id-sent-securely
> >
> Answer 1: if the server uses SSL/HTTPS(verified by third party-not
> self-signed certificate), cookies and session IDs travel as cipher-text
> over the network, and if an attacker (Man in the Middle) uses a packet
> sniffer, they can not obtain any information. They can not decrypt data
> because the connection between client and server is secured by a verified
> third party.so HTTPS without verified ...
> security.stackexchange.com
> Thanks very much for your kind attention!
> Simon Calvin

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