I faced a similar issue when reassigning partitions to newly added brokers.
Out of 400 partitions, 380 were successfully reassigned & the remaining 20
partitions stuck for more than 3 hours.

I logged into the ZK server and cleaned the path rmr
/kafka.primary/admin/reassign_partitions. Pls make a note of the list of
partitions (get /kafka.primary/admin/reassign_partitions ), I think you
need to manually move those partitions to healthy brokers.


On Fri, Nov 8, 2019 at 11:30 AM Ashutosh singh <getas...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello All,
> We ran kafka partition reassignment is using kafka manager. It seems it is
> stuck somewhere. How can I check what is current assignment which is
> running and how can I stop it ? its been more that 12 hours and some of the
> partitions are under replicated.
> Really appreciate your help.
> Thanks
> Ash

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