Hi Brandon,

Are you still seeing this behavior with Apache Kafka 2.4.0?


On Fri, Jan 31, 2020 at 10:51 AM Brandon Barron <brandon.bar...@live.com>

> We were running client version 2.3.0 for a while, then bumped to 2.3.1 for
> a particular kafka streams bug fix. We saw this issue while both versions
> were running.
> Brandon
> ________________________________
> From: Jamie <jamied...@aol.co.uk.INVALID>
> Sent: Thursday, January 30, 2020 1:03 PM
> To: users@kafka.apache.org <users@kafka.apache.org>
> Subject: Re: High CPU in 2.2.0 kafka cluster
> Hi Brandon,
> Which version of Kafka are the consumers running? My understanding is that
> if they're running a version lower than the brokers then they could be
> using a different format for the messages which means the brokers have to
> convert each record before sending to the consumer.
> Thanks,
> Jamie
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Brandon Barron <brandon.bar...@live.com>
> To: users@kafka.apache.org <users@kafka.apache.org>
> Sent: Thu, 30 Jan 2020 16:11
> Subject: High CPU in 2.2.0 kafka cluster
> Hi,
> We had a small cluster (4 brokers) dealing with very low throughput - a
> couple hundred messages per minute at the very most. In that cluster we had
> a little under 3300 total consumers (all were kafka streams instances). All
> broker CPUs were maxed out almost consistently for a few weeks.
> We switched traffic to a new cluster eventually. The old cluster sitting
> idle for a few days was at ~40% CPU, with consumers still running. When I
> took down all the consumers, the idle CPU on the brokers went to about 4%.
> To test, we decided to mirror active traffic in our new cluster to the old
> cluster (which now has no running consumers). The CPU didn't budge; it's
> still at ~4% as expected with the low throughput.
> One more thing to add: I ran a thread profiler on a couple brokers when
> the old cluster was taking active traffic with running consumers and the
> CPU was maxed out. Each time, I saw the ReplicaFetcherThread eating up
> around 40% of CPU time.
> Can you give any advice on what might be the root cause of this?
> Thanks,
> Brandon

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