Hi Liam,

I took a quick look. On the output side, it looks like you’re adding the count 
to the prior count. Should that just set the outbound vale to the new count? 
Maybe I misunderstood the situation. 

What I mean is, suppose you get two events for the same window:

Inbound map := 0+1 = 1
Count = 1
Outbound map := 0+1 = 1
(Proposed outbound := 1)


Inbound map := 1+1 = 2
Count = 2
Outbound map := 1+2 = 3
(Proposed outbound := 2)

Does that make sense?

On Sun, Apr 19, 2020, at 03:08, Liam Clarke wrote:
> Hello all,
> I have been running this code against production data, and I'm emitting
> counts/sums for a sentinel record id to stdout so I can observe the
> behaviour:
> https://gist.github.com/LiamClarkeNZ/b101ce6a42a2e5e1efddfe3a98c5805f
> When this code is run, the window duration is 2 minutes, grace period is 20
> seconds, and retention time is 20 minutes.
> I am endeavouring to use event time as the timestamp basis for this process:
> https://gist.github.com/LiamClarkeNZ/8265cec02e21f5969e0fedb8281a2180
> So, my sentinel debugging output shows a surprising behaviour in that the
> outbound counts for the key always sum higher than the inbound count. For
> example:
> Sample: 2020-04-19T07:31:37.492Z
> Inbound
> {
>     2020-04-19T03:00:00Z=4563,
>     2020-04-19T04:00:00Z=5629,
>     2020-04-19T05:00:00Z=8489,
>     2020-04-19T06:00:00Z=13599
> }
> Outbound
> {
>     2020-04-19T03:00:00Z=4717,
>     2020-04-19T04:00:00Z=5890,
>     2020-04-19T05:00:00Z=8826,
>     2020-04-19T06:00:00Z=13951
> }
> This makes me suspect that either I'm not using the window I thought I was
> (e.g., I'm somehow using a sliding window instead of a tumbling window) or
> that I have made a rookie error somewhere in my aggregations, or I've just
> misunderstood something about this. Does it matter that the window size in
> the persistent window store doesn't match the windowing time + grace time
> in the windowing clause?
> Any pointers gratefully welcome.
> Kind regards,
> Liam Clarke-Hutchinson

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