You could use Mirror Maker 1, it's a basic "consume from topic A in cluster
X, produce to topic A in cluster Y" app.

On Fri, 15 May 2020, 12:13 am JP MB, <> wrote:

> Hi guys,
> My use case is simply copying data from one Kafka to another. When
> searching on google, the immediate answer seems to be Mirror Maker, so we
> jumped to the most recent version MM2.
> The thing is I don't want active/active replication, the consumers from
> cluster A will be different from the consumers from cluster B. MM2 creates
> several topics in the source cluster(heartbeats, mm2-offsets, mm2-status,
> mm2-configs), which is undesired for us because we don't want to pollute
> the source.
> Is there a way to disable this? If no, what should I use?
> Regards,
> José Brandão

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