Dear Kafka,

Hi there. I have a question about Kafka Stream parallelism.
I know that Kafka Stream parallelism is based on consumer group.
Like, if you have 3 partitions source topic you can have maximum 3 consumer 
instances (or 3 kafka stream instances) at max that will work concurrently.
I have 2 scenarios about it and would like to know how it will work?

  1.  Assume I have a stream pipeline that read from topicA process save to 
topicB read it back (using through method) process with another logic and save 
to topicC
topicA => transform1 => topicB => transform2 => topicC
Supposed that all topics have only 1 partition(for simplicity), Can I have 2 
instances of Kafka Stream and expected each one of them to do the transform1 
and transform2 balancely ?
  2.  Is it a good idea to have multiple streaming pipelines in same Kafka 
Stream application ?
topicA1 =>  transformA => topicA2
topicB1 =>  transformB => topicB2
topicC1 =>  transformC => topicC2
and like previous one. assume each topic have only 1 partition, can I have 3 
Kafka Stream instances and expect each one will take 1 task of each stream 
pipeline ?


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