Hello Ahmed,

Thanks for this feedback. I can see what you mean.

I know that there is a redesign currently in progress for
the site, but I'm not sure if the API/Config documentation
is planned as part of that effort. Here's the PR to re-
design the home page: 

I think it would be best to open a Jira ticket at: 


On Wed, 2020-08-12 at 12:59 +0000, Ahmed Al-Saghir wrote:
> Dears kafka team,
>                 Kindly not that Kafka documentation navigation is pretty hard 
> to the eyes and exhausting. Once I'm on section or reading configuration, I 
> can't know what section I'm currently looking at or under what category. This 
> is very annoying and very hard. For example
> https://kafka.apache.org/documentation/#offset.flush.timeout.ms
> Once you open that URL, would you able to tell me exactly what navigation 
> steps to follow to access offset.flush.timeout.ms directly ? What section 
> this configuration is under ? Consumer, Producer or Broker ? Please allow 
> easier documentation navigation for sake of easiness and usability of users.
> I'm not sure if this is categorized as suggestion or issue so how or what to 
> do and to open ticket with it. Sorry for my English. Please guide me if there 
> is steps to take to report this.
> Thank you
> Ahmed Al-Saghir

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