Hi Anders,

This message indicates that the transactional producer uses the send
offsets to transactions option.
It means that either another producer application is writing offsets
for the consumer group as well or that you might be having a consumer
and producer that adds offset to the transaction in the same

If the goal is to only commit offsets after processing the consumed
records then you must not commit offsets with the consumer, and
disable the auto commit offset configurations as well.
The consumer must be configured to disable automatic offset commits,
it is enabled in the Java client by default.
There might not be an explicit consumer commitSync/commitAsync call in
the consumer code, but it would be sending offset commits.

I hope this helps you to find the problem

Kind regards,

Richard Bosch
Developer Advocate
Axual BV

Kind regards,

Richard Bosch

Developer Advocate

Axual BV

E : richard.bo...@axual.com
M : +31 6 11 850 846
W : www.axual.com

On Mon, Jun 5, 2023 at 8:49 AM Anders Engström <epirea...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi!
> We're running Kafka 3.3 (at Aiven) and are seeing warning logs about offset
> commits from both consumers and producers.
> This happens for two of our consumers (out of hundreds). I've tried
> Googling for the error (of course) but I haven't found anything obvious.
> [kafka-01-78]2023-06-05T06:44:12.536334[kafka][2023-06-05 06:44:12,536]
> > WARN [GroupMetadataManager brokerId=78] group: <group.id> with leader:
> > <consumer-group-leader-id> has received offset commits from consumers as
> > well as transactional producers. Mixing both types of offset commits will
> > generally result in surprises and should be avoided.
> > (kafka.coordinator.group.GroupMetadataManager:70)
> Any recommendations on what to look for in the application
> consumer/producer code? The applications using the consumer group id is not
> really special compared to all other consumer applications.
> Best Regards /Anders

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