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-----Original Message-----
From: Matthias J. Sax [mailto:mj...@apache.org] 
Sent: 27 July 2023 22:05
To: users@kafka.apache.org
Subject: Re: Consuming an entire partition with control messages

Well, `kafka-consumer-group.sh` can only display the difference between 
"committed offset" and "end offset". It cannot know what the "right" 
offset to be committed is. It's really the responsibility of the consumers to 
commit correctly.


On 7/27/23 1:03 AM, Vincent Maurin wrote:
> Thank you Matthias for your answer, I open an issue on the aiokafka 
> project as follow up, let's see how we can resolve it there
> https://github.com/aio-libs/aiokafka/issues/911
> As mentioned in the issue, some tools like kafka-consumer-groups.sh 
> also display a lag of "1" in this kind of situation
> Best regards,
> Vincent
> On 13/06/2023 17:27, Matthias J. Sax wrote:
>> Sounds like a bug in aiokafka library to me.
>> If the last message in a topic partition is a tx-marker, the consumer 
>> should step over it, and report the correct position after the marker.
>> The official KafkaConsumer (ie, the Java one), does the exact same thing.
>> -Matthias
>> On 5/30/23 8:41 AM, Vincent Maurin wrote:
>>> Hello !
>>> I am working on an exactly once stream processors in Python, using 
>>> aiokafka client library. My program stores a state in memory, that 
>>> is recovered from a changelog topic, like in kafka streams.
>>> On each processing loop, I am consuming messages, producing messages 
>>> to an output topics and to my changelog topic, within a transaction.
>>> When I need to restart a runner, to restore the state in memory, I 
>>> have a routine consuming the changelog topic from the beginning to 
>>> the "end" with a read_commited isolation level. Here I am struggling 
>>> to define when to stop my recovery :
>>> * my current (maybe) working solution is to loop over "poll" until 
>>> poll is not returning any messages anymore
>>> * I tried to do more something based on the end offests, the 
>>> checking the consumer position, but with control messages at the end 
>>> of the partition, I am running into an issue where position is one 
>>> below end offsets, and doesn't go further
>>> I had a quick look to
>>> https://github.com/apache/kafka/blob/trunk/streams/src/main/java/org
>>> /apache/kafka/streams/processor/internals/StoreChangelogReader.java
>>> but it is a bit hard to figure out what is going on here
>>> Best regards,
>>> Vincent

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