Hi Jiří,

Why can't you run it from another Pod? You should be able to specify
--bootstrap-server and point it to the brokers to connect to. You can also
pass further properties to it using the --command-config option. It should
be also possible to use it from the Admin API
directly from anywhere if needed.

But there is indeed no way to manage this declaratively in the Kafka
properties file as it was possible with inter.broker.protocol.version. It
also works a bit differently than the inter.broker.protocol.version worked
before KRaft:
* I think it does more checking whether all nodes in the cluster support
the version etc.
* You can't really downgrade it easily (at least not safely).

So maybe it is better you cannot just change some environment variables as
that might result in crash-looping pods.


On Thu, Oct 19, 2023 at 2:58 PM Soukal, Jiří <j.sou...@quadient.com.invalid>

> Hello all,
> Final step of the upgrade procedure is to run command like:
> "./bin/kafka-features.sh upgrade --metadata 3.6"
> In the Kubernetes world, which works in the desired state configuration
> (yamls and its the upper level abstractions), this is quite complicated.
> The first thing I tried to find is if I can call it from another kafka pod
> while specifying a server to connect to, however it is not possible. It
> needs to be run from withing the running kafka pod. This leads to executing
> to the pod or running the kubectl exec (e.g. kubectl exec kafka-0 -n cloud
> -- bin/kafka-configs.sh ... )
> However, this command is also imperative instead of declarative.
> Question: Is there another approach? E.g. driving the metadata version via
> ENV variable or file configuration?
> It seems like it was designed without Kubernetes world in mind.

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