Hello good people of Kafka,

I was recently informed that TLS 1.3 doesn’t work for connecting our product to 
Kafka, and after some digging realised it was true, no matter how hard I type 
“TLSv1.3” it doesn’t work, weirdly with an error about no applicable Ciphers.

So after a bunch more digging I realised that the problem lies in the Kafka 
client classes, in Kafka clients’ SslConfigs.java there is this code:
    static {
      if (Java.IS_JAVA11_COMPATIBLE) {
      } else {

My initial thoughts were that these just set the defaults, I should still be 
able to set TLSv1.3 in my properties, but no. If I change the above block to:
    static {
it works just fine. I suspect (but haven’t yet had the time to verify) that 
there’s something that gets the list of supported Ciphers from the default, and 
applies those Ciphers to the selected end protocol, and since there’s no 
overlap I’m outta luck.

Now of course life is never simple, so I can’t just make the above change and 
send you fine people a PR, since there’s probably still some older JREs out 
there that don’t support TLSv1.3.

As a fine person once told me (actually, a Java support person) “don’t test the 
symptom, test the cause”. In this case, we shouldn’t be testing whether we’re 
working with a Java 11 JVM, we should test whether our current JVM has a 
TLSv1.3 Context instance. E.g.:
        SSLContext context = SSLContext.getInstance("TLSv1.3");
      catch(java.security.NoSuchAlgorithmException e){
But the test in SslConfigs.java is done in *static* init, and as we all know, 
performing try-catch within a static is a Big No-No.

Soooo, before I go digging further in the code and start looking to modify the 
places where the defaults are consumed, does anyone have a better idea? My 
initial thought was to raise a ticket and run away, but I’m trying to be a good 

I should probably mention, this code was introduced in 
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-7251 and 
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/KAFKA-9320 and 

Andreas Martens
Senior Engineer
IBM App Connect Enterprise

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